Bloggers Vent About Apple 'MacBook Pro'
A news story from CNET Blogma | | CNET, about the new Apple MacBook Pro and how the old faithful of Apple users do not like the name.It's unanimous. Bloggers hate 'MacBook Pro'
For all the excitement surrounding Apple Computer's first Intel-based computers, which CEO Steve Jobs announced Tuesday at Macworld 2006, there's been a surprising amount of attention focused on analyzing the name of the newest line of laptops, the MacBook Pro.
The article went on to state that Steve Jobs actually stays on top of these issues and does in fact read the online feedback. I wonder how many of the old brick and mortar companies actually stay on top of their own company issues by staying up to date on the various stories through the Internet Blogging community or through the online news articles that are picked up by Google, Yahoo, and MSN news.
A feature that is really cool as well as extremely helpful for any business to stay on top of the issues related to their company is to set up email news and web alerts. For example, when doing a search for our company; "Professional Web Services" in Google News, we can see any articles that are being picked up online through press releases or other news related articles. Located on the news search page is a link to set up an email alert sent on a daily, weekly, or as-it-happens basis.
Other areas to search online would be:
These areas would be providing the most exposure to the online world.
Additionally, a company could check other search engines as well as searches of the corporate website itself to see what other sites or blogs might be including it in the body of the website. Many times the site will be included in other news related articles and a check of the results on a regular basis can determine what is being said about the company.
These are all excellent PR Tools for ongoing strategic public relations analysis.
Professional Web Services, Inc. Internet Marketing Services.
eBusiness Internet Marketing Services

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