Saturday, February 04, 2006

SEO School

Internet Marketing

How much sense does It make to develop business 2 business or consumer Keywords that are seldom used?

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There are two Online schools of thought here. One SEO School says that the keywords selected to be used throughout the website should be the least competitive keywords and misspellings included, so it is much more likely to be found in the search results. The other SEO School says to develop the natural keywords throughout the website along with logical variations of keyword phrases including plural uses of the keyword and various tenses using proper writing syntax and grammar.

If we follow the first SEO School, a website may start showing up in the top results for very seldom searched for keyword phrases. While in the other SEO School, because of the numbers of pages with the same keywords, web pages are less likely to show up due to excessive competition.

Natural Language Writing vs Keyword Search Variations

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Actually, I believe that both are right and both are wrong. First and foremost, I believe the emphasis should be on natural language writing and logical uses of the keywords. This will no doubt require extensive research, reading, and writing of quality content. It will certainly take an extended period of time to make a marketing impact in the various keyword market segments. At the same time, it is important to also develop other lesser used variations of those keywords and keyword phrases to help establish an online site theme or a type of Internet marketing trend in what a website is about.

Search Engine Optimization Shortcuts

SEOs have used extensive Black Hat search engine shortcut tactics in the past for getting a website to the top of the search results. As search engine algorithms have improved, these black hat optimization tactics are becoming less effective. The emphasis today should be on developing good content, proper link building throughout the website, proper titles and meta tags, ethical search engine optimization strategies, unique marketing and advertising messages, and certainly strategic link building with various related topics and websites.

Measuring Search Engine Software Algorithms

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No search engine company is going to come out and tell you exactly what is required to get your web page or website up to the top in the search engine results. First off, every search engine company on the Internet wants to have the best results possible. If a search engine tells you exactly what to do, then everyone would try to do the exact same thing. There are a multitude of variables that are factors in attaining top standing in the results. We can not control what Google, Yahoo, or MSN do in their algorithms. So, what we can control is the content and layout of websites under our control.

Relevant Information For Search Engines and Users

The number one goal of any website should be to provide quality content to get found online. Algorithms and software improvements at the Search Engines have made great strides in evaluating keywords throughout the page and site, along with Natural Language Processing (NLP), Text Analysis, and Automatic Classification Systems are some of the key areas for establishing what a website is all about. The days of just pasting a whole bunch of keywords over the entire page or hiding the keywords in the underlying html code to get a website in the top search results is all but over. Sure, there still are websites in the search results list that do this type of hiding of keywords, but that is only because other parts of the software algorithms might give higher Page Rank [Google PageRank™] to these pages based on the number of pages that link to them on the Internet.

Developing a Keyword Search Engine

It becomes exceedingly difficult for Search Engines to say how much is too much for certain types of keywords in the body text. There are an infinite number of variables for establishing the density of a keyword. Certainly, the difficulty becomes even greater when one considers the use of certain words having different meanings for different industries. Then there is the aspect of how the word is used in the context of the text itself. Natural Language Writing has different styles, such as Argumentative, Narrative, Enunciative, and Descriptive Styles; along with different uses of grammar and even the proper spelling and even misspellings can significantly alter how a search engine responds to the classification and Keyword Density of the page.

Additional Factors in Keyword Analysis

Graph Showing the Keyword Relationships in a Document

Search Algorithms need to be able to filter through all of the other words in a website. Every single word that is placed on a web page can have some degree of influence over the whole of the page and even the website itself. Simple words like: them, your, you, it, or, AND even and, need to be filtered and evaluated. Too many uses of those words in the web page can throw off the algorithm. Relationships exist between all words. The proximity of the Online words relative to each other, will also influence the software algorithms of what the page is about (See Keyword Graph.) Writing on the Web has to be tightened up and more focused toward subject matter to become successful in establishing new pages online, especially when it comes to the highly competitive Internet keywords.

Capitalization, Bold Text, Font Size, Font Placement

To grasp the degree of difficultly that Search Engines face in cataloging a website is to consider what needs to be analyzed from their perspective. By somewhat of a Reverse Engineering Marketing aspect we can gain insight into what is looked at for establishing the ranking in the search engine results. Capitalization, bold text, font size, and font placement are all factors in page analysis. For example: as Google Search algorithms have improved and certainly expanded over time to include other website factors, the weight factor given to each of these variables has changed slightly and in some instances drastically.

Search Engines and the Learning Curve

I believe that we are all on a learning curve. Search engines are continually learning about the World Wide Web by constantly traveling the Net with their Robots that catalog the pages. Then with analysis software, the companies can determine the so-called Mean, Mode, and Median of any particular criteria within the page or search results they wish to analyze. With such analysis, they then can tighten or loosen a set of parameters to slightly change or drastically change the results. Every update to a search engine algorithm in-turn creates a new round of learning by all the SEO Webmasters of the world. Through this type of online school teaching, the SEO is constantly being trained toward better content writing and layout quality. The whole of search is also trained, because as creativity and new technology are implemented into websites, along with the popularity of other types of online content sites, the search companies can continue to upgrade and improve their algorithms to reflect these new changes.

Professional Web Services, Inc., is a SEO strategy, Internet marketing services, online advertising strategies, and a Web branding solutions company. Contact us today for Search Engine Internet Marketing Services for your B2B or B2C business.

Article by: Jim Warholic

Copyright Professional Web Services, All Rights Reserved

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Friday, September 30, 2005

Unique Internet Marketing Sales Messages

People are tired of the same ole B2B and B2C Brand thing on the Internet.

When a friend was job hunting and was scheduled to have interviews at various companies he was excellent at analyzing the upper managers and VPs before he even met them. Some of the companies were on the Fortune 50 and it was very easy to find news articles related to the company or individuals in the search engines. The analysis came in the form of what was said in the self released press releases and many of the rote writing of the Bios.

Marketing Creativity

Creativity is not one of the stronger suits by many of top managers and it shows in the form of what I call "Bird Seed." For those that do not know what Bird Seed is, just put together the uppercase letters and you will have it.

Internet marketing is becoming more about story telling, the good birdseed kind. When making a sales presentation to a customer in person the customer can get to know you. They can discover your mannerisms, learn how you respond to circumstances, and size you up on the type of character you are. Whereas, with the Internet and a company's website a person visiting can only read and visually look at pictures or videos. Sales in this case is only one way. While websites can include avatar characters, instant messaging feedback, and eventually voice over IP embedded in the site, it can not fully interact with a potential customer.

Internet Sales, Marketing, And Advertising Concepts

The Internet is unlike any other form of advertising media. People talk about how to increase the stickiness of a website, and to a certain degree it is true that this marketing factor needs to be addressed, but for many different websites the stickiness factor is very overrated. Each industry has a unique set of keys that unlocks the door to a person's mind. Typically there are two ways that a person finds a business online. One way is they already know your website address, OR a Search Engine Search was executed with certain keywords related to what the company does. In both of these instances a customer or new prospect was seeking information about a certain topic. Once that information is found a prospect may email or phone the company to make contact. Other times, a prospect will return to read more in-depth information related to the company or industry. Hence the website stickiness factor.

Search And Be Found

Search is the one major factor that makes the Internet different. Imagine, customers are already actually looking for what it is that your company manufactures or the services provided. Advertising on the radio or television is targeted to a broad market spectrum and in most cases requires many viewings of the Ad for it to have a marketing impact. Newspaper and Magazine advertising is more targeted to a narrower band segment but even with this, the spectrum is not as tight as the Web. With keywords advertising from Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other Search Engine companies open to all, in every single industry, provides the highest ROI and the most targeted of any other forms of advertisements. In fact, with at least one search company, local advertisements can be targeted to state, city, or even the local neighborhood. Simply put, no where else can you reach this type of market segment customer target groups on a 24x7 real time basis like you can on the World Wide Web.

Sales And Marketing Ethics

People are becoming more critical of everything written and viewed online. With the email spam that seems to flood in with hurricane force into our mailboxes on a daily basis, is it any wonder that people are calling into question everything on the Web? Yes, the Web is growing by astronomical amounts but is the information trustworthy? Taking into account the ethics factor will become more important as time goes on.

Your Internet Marketing And Online Advertising

Getting your company marketing message out is a daily challenge. Putting ones thoughts down in written form is definitely one of the toughest feats to accomplish. Meeting this challenge is a must in the twenty-first century. Penning the message together in a unique style will add validity to the trustworthiness of the message, the character of the company, and the integrity of the individuals.

Spend the time today to do it the right way.

Professional Web Services, Inc. Internet Marketing Services, Online Advertising Strategies, And Web Branding Solutions. Reach: The eBusiness Professionals

The diversity of information online can not be contained.

Signed Jim Warholic

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Above All - Tell It Like It Is And Do It With Style!



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Name: James A. Warholic
Location: San Ramon, San Francisco, Bay Area, California, United States

Above All – We Tell It Like It Is, And Do It With Style! Any person that has known me long enough will find out that I usually get straight to the sales and marketing point. Invest your time wisely. Make a difference in the world. Each individual has something special to share that can impact the world around them. Maybe your sphere of influence is one person, maybe it is your family, business, neighborhood, or a larger group of people. But, no matter how large or small a group of people that you come in contact with, a person can effect change for the good in life. We can start today with a simple business investment, with a professional word of encouragement, a "thank you", or just a kind look that really shows that you understand and appreciate another person.


